Otherworld sketches

The Settlement

The Settlement

Signal Fire, Settlement and the Main Gate

Signal Fire, Settlement and the Main Gate

The Gate and the Throne

The Gate and the Throne

Smith's Tools, Potion Seller's Toolkit and the Lifeguard's Stuff

Smith's Tools, Potion Seller's Toolkit and the Lifeguard's Stuff

Potion Seller's Cavern

Potion Seller's Cavern

Smith's Workshop

Smith's Workshop

Lifeguard's Private Dock

Lifeguard's Private Dock

The Long House

The Long House

The Lonely House

The Lonely House

The Castle on Top

The Castle on Top

The Lookout with Fancy Floor

The Lookout with Fancy Floor

The Abandoned Entrance

The Abandoned Entrance

The Main Entrance

The Main Entrance

The Potion Seller's Dungeon Shop

The Potion Seller's Dungeon Shop

Study of Folaldafoss

Study of Folaldafoss

Mountain Path

Mountain Path

Doorways and Rocks

Doorways and Rocks

Cavern Hallway

Cavern Hallway

The Window and the Architecture test

The Window and the Architecture test

Smith's Smithy

Smith's Smithy

Every day another sketch, here I'm exploring interesting locations and expanding on my ideas bit by bit.
These are most (but not all) of the sketches done during MaySketchADay 2020.